Friday, 29 November 2013

Music Magazine LIIAR Analysis

There is a medium close up image of the popular pop artist, Cheryl Cole looking into the audience eyes, having direct address and connecting with the audience. The masthead on the magazine is based at the top of the page, usually on a magazine the masthead would be covered by the top of the subjects head, on this magazine the masthead is based above the image dominating the celebrity. The title is based on the top left corner, there is a large red box with a large 'Q' in white based in the centre, this is eye catching and being on the left hand side means that it will be noticed when stacked on the shelfs in shops. Under the title are headlines for the stories in the magazine, these are placed around the artists face in order not to cover t. This keeps the readers attention on the stories without being distracted by the image. It also draws the reader's eye around the cover, instead of their attention being just on the middle of the front cover. This allows them to explore and get a better feel for the magazine. The main colour scheme here is red, black and white. This gives the magazine a fee of simplicity but also looks classy at the same time. The red is tied into the main image also by the artist's lips being red. Red connotates lust and love, which is also the impression being given out by the way the artist is posing. This entices both male and female readers; females who aspire to be like Cheryl Cole and males who find her attractive.
The brand 'Q magazine' has developed a worldwide reputation as a trusted high quality voice of music amongst fans, musicians and the music industry. The reputation is seen through radio, TV, online and through the amount of fans it has. In its early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more" as it was able to set itself apart from other music magazines with its higher standards of photography and printing.
Institution- The Bauer Media Group (Bauer Verlagsgruppe) is a large German publishing company based in Hamburg, which operates in 15 countries worldwide. Since the company was founded in 1875, it has been privately-owned and under management by the Bauer family. Q started out as a music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom. Originally it was to be called Cue (named after the act of cueing a record to play), but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine 
Audience- Q's audience is made up of passionate and open minded music fans who are driven to always discover new music.  The audience are the encouraged to use this lust for discovery to influence their friends. The audience is split 75% male to 25% female (with 68% ABC1).
On the cover of the magazine there is a large medium close up image of the well known pop artist Cheryl Cole. She is known for her pop and chart music but is seen on this image as a rocker with dark make up and red lips, connotating lust and passion. In her hand she has a ring on that looks like a dagger, she is touching the dagger with her tongue which shows she is ruthless and rebellious. This indicates the the magazine is aimed at a youthful audience. However this magazine also appeals to an older audience by offering a story about John Lennon - a legendary musician that a more younger audience may not be able to associate with. This is a way that Q magazine appeals to both audiences. 

Language - 
 There is a large masthead at the top of the page which is against a plain red background, this creates the text to stand out and help the audience identify what the page is about. The page features a colour theme, consisting of: red, black and white. This is a continuous theme throughout the magazine, therefore creating a professional pleasing style. The contents page is conventional as it features articles that will be featured in the magazine, as well as the page numbers to indicate the different articles featured. However, this contents page also breaks conventions; as the page features many images which dominate some of he page (however the main artist - Cheryl Cole - still dominates the majority of the page). These extra images come with text indication on which artists will feature on what page. However because the writing is quite small compared to the size of the images, it connotes that because the genre or the magazine is Pop/Rock, the audience should know who the artists are, because they are currently popular and match the magazine genre. In this issue, the main feature artist is Cheryl Cole and on this contents page, this is identified by the image of her being predominately larger and dominating the page, catching the readers attention.
Representation - 
The contents page features  lot of text but this is balaced out by images, which I think represents the audience well, as they will be able to identify who the artists are. It will suit the target audience of teenagers and young adults, because they want to read text but would want some images to look at also. A continuous colour theme has been used, consisting of: red, white and black. This is effective because it allows the dark text to stand out against the white background.This matches the continuous house style throughout the magazine.

Language - 
The double page spread features an A4 image of the main feature artist Cheryl Cole, who's image dominates a whole page. This stands out, letting the audience identify who the magazine is about. It is eye catching and effective because if the reader was flicking through the magazine, he image would attract their attention and they would know immediately who the magazine is about. It is also what the reader see's first when flicking through the magazine, with the main image being on the left hand side. The colour scheme: red, black and white from the contents page and front cover, is continued on the double page spread giving a sense of continuity and not confusing the reader. This double page spread also relates to usual conventions, such as featuring pull quotes from the article. This connotes a sense of rebellion, which represents the rebellious side to the magazine. As well, the only masthead featured on the spread just says, "Cheryl COLE", this is effective because the audience will be intrigued and want to know what the article is about because no information is being given out. 
Representation - 
The double page spread is about the artist Cherly Cole, therefore the magazine is promoting her and her new album, which is rock themed, making her relate to the genre of the magazine. The image of her is or high contrast, which matches the colour theme of the magazine, which contrasts highly also. 

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