Friday, 6 December 2013

Test shots

This is my example of a long shot. You can see the subject's feet and there is a lot of negative space around her. This is a bad example of framing because the subject doesn't fill the frame. There is too much space around her and the audience's attention will be waived from her to the areas surrounding her.
This is my example of a two shot. This shot is blurry, which wasn't my intention but this is also a shot of bad framing. A two shot is still too far away and both subjects are surrounded by too much negative space.
 This is my example of  a group shot. This group shot isn't a good example because the group would have to be postitioned so that the orientation of the image was portrait however, this is landscape. If I were to do a group shot for the front cover of my magazine I'd postition it so that my subject's were close enough together, or above each other so the image could be taken portrait so it would fill the full cover/page.

This is my example of a medium close up. This image could have been taken portrait, which I should have done. I will possibly use a medium close up for my front cover because I could then get my subject's clothes in the image and allow my audience to understand the genre of my magazine though the clothes my subject is wearing.

This is my example of a close up. This is the perrfect example of framing for a magazine. There is no space between the top of my subject's head and the top of the image, there isn't much negative space, my subject fills the frame and it is photographed on a plain background (this makes it easier to over lay text).

This is my example of a posed shot. My final shot will be a posed shot, but will be closer and more tightly framed than this one. It will more likely be a posed medium close up or close up. This image has too much space around my subject. In order to fix this I would either crop the image so it is of the frame size I want, or take a posed image as a close up.

This is my example of a bad framed shot. The shot is skewed and blurred, everything a magazine doesn't want out of an image. To make sure my shots aren't like this I will use a tripod whilst taking my image so I can get the right framing, it will make sure I can't skew the image and it will help me against blurring my images.

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